The best of the innovation and technology Made in Italy
MLM carries out different processes depending on the product requested. From pre-connected manual winding, to automatic or flat winding, up to the different types of impregnation.
All winding that we execute is developed together with the customer, eliminating internal winding series and therefore, improving product quality and reliability.
Our company performs flat winding for low-voltage motors, mainly used in the wind and lift sectors.
Automatic needle winding is carried out with continuous wire directly on the stator ratchet with straight or angled slots, using the sophisticated next-generation technology of the Needle Machine.
This makes it possible to resin motors from 100mm to 800mm in diameter, with a maximum height of 400mm at the same time.
Resin system for large-sized motors, up to a maximum of 2500mm in diameter and maximum height of 1000mm.
Potting system with automatic and continuous cycle operation. Motors, coils and electromagnets with a maximum diameter of 500mm and maximum height of 400mm.